Bachelor Engineer

in Industrial Electronics

Juan Hernández
+49 1575 96 353 96
contact (AT)


Professionals and Friends: 

  • TallerAcero displays (Website in Spanish) the original and unique works (furniture, accessories, toys,...) made by Bernd Nisch, metal and wood craftsman settled down in Valladolid (Spain)
  • Eléctrico Car, a useful electrical and hybrid cars price browser, which also includes interesting technical papers and opinion pieces (Website in Spanish)

Other Topics: 

  • Cuadernos Técnicos Barrabés, one of the most experienced mountain magazines (in Spanish), with material reviews and comparisons, and practical technical advices (it requires registration)
  • SonDeNadie, impressive band from Granada that mixes reggae, rumba, funk, ska,... On its site (in Spanish), apart from knowing about their last news and next concert dates, one can download their music albums freely. My personal recommendation is Concondumio, from year 2006
  • Marousse, another great fusion band (French this time) that allows the user to listen to their music on the radio of its van (Website in French)
  • Piel de Toro, Website (in Spanish) devoted to classic cars. Here, one can find from Do-It-Yourself tricks, to links to the different existing vintage cars club in Spain, through a calendar of rallies. The test section is really surprising, with articles from ancient magazines, where one can find the testing of a Seat 124 Sport Coupé 1600 or the comparative between a Renault Fuego GTX and a Volkswagen Scirocco Gli
  • Front pages of newspapers in Spain: from this Website one can read the front pages of the most important newspapers of the whole Spain, including economy and sport press, and access directly to the sites of each one of the newspapers

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