Bachelor Engineer

in Industrial Electronics

Juan Hernández
+49 1575 96 353 96
contact (AT)


  • My name is Juan Hernández and I am Bachelor Engineer, specialised in Industrial Electronics

  • Since the beginning of 2014 I have started a new and interesting professional stage as Development Engineer at EBK Krüger, where I design electronic products for the automotive and transport sectors

  • Until 2013 I have developed my work as a Development Engineer in Control and Instrumentation subjects in test laboratories within the aeronautic field (hardware/software development, test benches, data analysis)

  • Feel yourself welcome to my Web Curriculum, where you can examine in depth from my formal education to my work experience, download my Curriculum Vitae in different languages and formats, consult my Degree and certificates, understand my motivations, as well as contact me through a Web form

  • Thank you for your visit

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